Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the essence of finance, financial relations and a financial system of the state is disclosed, contents, value and mechanisms of functioning of financial policy of the state in the conditions of globalization of economy is characterized. Influence of financial policy on social and economic development of economy in the conditions of globalization of economy is deeply analyzed and also the financial mechanism as the instrument of realization of financial policy of the state is characterized. The author has tried to investigate policy of financial stabilization in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the directions of monetary policy of Kazakhstan have been designated. To question of financial policy of the state in the conditions of globalization considerable attention is paid by economists, sociologists, political scientists, etc. In this article the concept of globalization, her main aspects is studied, defined that globalization of world economy inevitable process which in the 21st century more and more gains steam.

financial policy, financial resources, budget, taxes, revenues of the state, world politics, state regulation, globalization, economic integration, economy of Kazakhstan, interdependence, globalization problems
In this article the essence of finance, financial relations and a financial system of the state is disclosed, contents, value and mechanisms of functioning of financial policy of the state in the conditions of globalization of economy is characterized. Influence of financial policy on social and economic development of economy in the conditions of globalization of economy is deeply analyzed and also the financial mechanism as the instrument of realization of financial policy of the state is characterized. The author has tried to investigate policy of financial stabilization in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the directions of monetary policy of Kazakhstan have been designated. To question of financial policy of the state in the conditions of globalization considerable attention is paid by economists, sociologists, political scientists, etc. In this article the concept of globalization, her main aspects is studied, defined that globalization of world economy inevitable process which in the 21st century more and more gains steam.

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