Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The modern scenario of a long-term economic development of any country implies the growth of its competitiveness in both traditional and new high-tech sectors, a breakthrough in improving the quality of capital and labor productivity of human tendencies, the transformation of innovation factors into the main source of economic growth. Solving these problems requires creating a system of clear interaction between the state, business, science and education through the use of effective tools for innovative development, among which the cluster approach plays an important role. The article on the example of the agro-industrial sector of the economy discusses the possibility of forming a system of interaction of elements of the innovation infrastructure in the framework of the cluster approach.

region, agro-industrial complex, cluster, innovations, innovative development, research organizations
The modern scenario of a long-term economic development of any country implies the growth of its competitiveness in both traditional and new high-tech sectors, a breakthrough in improving the quality of capital and labor productivity of human tendencies, the transformation of innovation factors into the main source of economic growth. Solving these problems requires creating a system of clear interaction between the state, business, science and education through the use of effective tools for innovative development, among which the cluster approach plays an important role. The article on the example of the agro-industrial sector of the economy discusses the possibility of forming a system of interaction of elements of the innovation infrastructure in the framework of the cluster approach.

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