Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article attempts to consider the characteristic features of the development of logistics activities in organizations of the hospitality industry. There are two levels of logistic tasks facing the hotel in modern conditions: external and internal. It justifies the need to consider the system of standardization and certification of accommodation facilities, as well as analyzes problems arising in the field of quality management of hotel services. To perform the existing tasks in the organization of the logistics complex of the hotel, various management methods are widely used: organizational, economic, socio-psychological, technological and expert.

hotel, logistics, hotel logistics, standardization, certification
The article attempts to consider the characteristic features of the development of logistics activities in organizations of the hospitality industry. There are two levels of logistic tasks facing the hotel in modern conditions: external and internal. It justifies the need to consider the system of standardization and certification of accommodation facilities, as well as analyzes problems arising in the field of quality management of hotel services. To perform the existing tasks in the organization of the logistics complex of the hotel, various management methods are widely used: organizational, economic, socio-psychological, technological and expert.

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