Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern requirements for the dynamic economy development in the Russian Federation dictate intensive development conditions for both: economic entities and for the increase in the competitiveness level of workers employed in production and services. The foundation for the success of an employee is not only a high level of vocational education, but also his quick adaptation to real market conditions, his ability to join the production process actively and thereby minimize the costs of on-the-job training or professional development for the employer. An independent qualification assessment for compliance with a certain level of professional mastery should be one of the contributing tools, another tool is assessment of employee’s practical skills level. The article presents reasoning for the introduction of an independent assessment and demonstration exam on WorldSkills standards into the educational process of educational organizations, since they are the main supplier of labor resources. Success of each enterprise and the industry as a whole depends on the quality of these resources. Approbation of the implementation of an independent evaluation was carried out in an experimental mode. It was carried out in several educational organizations, including the Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Physical Culture in Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.

Independent qualifications assessment, Center for the Qualifications Assessment, professional competence, demonstration exam, graduate competitiveness, professional standart, hospitality industry
Modern requirements for the dynamic economy development in the Russian Federation dictate intensive development conditions for both: economic entities and for the increase in the competitiveness level of workers employed in production and services. The foundation for the success of an employee is not only a high level of vocational education, but also his quick adaptation to real market conditions, his ability to join the production process actively and thereby minimize the costs of on-the-job training or professional development for the employer. An independent qualification assessment for compliance with a certain level of professional mastery should be one of the contributing tools, another tool is assessment of employee’s practical skills level. The article presents reasoning for the introduction of an independent assessment and demonstration exam on WorldSkills standards into the educational process of educational organizations, since they are the main supplier of labor resources. Success of each enterprise and the industry as a whole depends on the quality of these resources. Approbation of the implementation of an independent evaluation was carried out in an experimental mode. It was carried out in several educational organizations, including the Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Physical Culture in Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.

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