Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The strategy-2030 of socio-economic development of the municipality “Ulyanovsk city”, developed by the Strategy Partners Group (Moscow) in collaboration with the authors of this article, pays great attention to the strategic diagnosis of the municipality development level. The analysis of the key current instruments of strategic city management and the determination of development management model for the Ulyanovsk region is one of the main results of this stage of analysis. The next step is to identify key scenarios for the city development, depending on external and internal factors and the choice of areas for further development.

the strategy of the socio-economic development of the municipality, primary diagnostics of the municipality development level, the investment attractiveness, the strategic diagnosis
The strategy-2030 of socio-economic development of the municipality “Ulyanovsk city”, developed by the Strategy Partners Group (Moscow) in collaboration with the authors of this article, pays great attention to the strategic diagnosis of the municipality development level. The analysis of the key current instruments of strategic city management and the determination of development management model for the Ulyanovsk region is one of the main results of this stage of analysis. The next step is to identify key scenarios for the city development, depending on external and internal factors and the choice of areas for further development.

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