Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The strategy-2030 of the socio-economic development of the municipality “Ulyanovsk City”, developed by the Strategy Partners Group (Moscow) in cooperation with the authors of this article, pays great attention to the primary diagnostics of the municipality development level. Determining the key factors of its development and the search for ways to improve the services provided to the population are the main results of the diagnostics. The assessment of the quality of life, the investment attractiveness and the quality of the business climate in Ulyanovsk were carried out on the survey of the common citizens and entrepreneurs of the city.

the strategy of the socio-economic development of the municipality, primary diagnostics of the municipality development level, the investment attractiveness
The strategy-2030 of the socio-economic development of the municipality “Ulyanovsk City”, developed by the Strategy Partners Group (Moscow) in cooperation with the authors of this article, pays great attention to the primary diagnostics of the municipality development level. Determining the key factors of its development and the search for ways to improve the services provided to the population are the main results of the diagnostics. The assessment of the quality of life, the investment attractiveness and the quality of the business climate in Ulyanovsk were carried out on the survey of the common citizens and entrepreneurs of the city.

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