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Abstract (English):
Currently, there are problems in the development of new fields in the oil industry. Often, this is due to the widespread disparity between the preparatory phase of oil production and its direct extraction, a decrease in the quality of the structure of oil resources and an increase in the share of hard-to-recover reserves (TRIZ). There is no single definition of the term hard - to-recover reserves, but in General it implies reserves, "the development of which by traditional technologies does not provide the necessary efficiency in terms of the oil recovery factor, and in some cases-also from the standpoint of the cost of oil production" [1]. In such reserves, low-permeability and low-porous reservoir, abnormal oil characteristics (high viscosity and density).

oil production, development forecast, oil recovery
Currently, there are problems in the development of new fields in the oil industry. Often, this is due to the widespread disparity between the preparatory phase of oil production and its direct extraction, a decrease in the quality of the structure of oil resources and an increase in the share of hard-to-recover reserves (TRIZ). There is no single definition of the term hard - to-recover reserves, but in General it implies reserves, "the development of which by traditional technologies does not provide the necessary efficiency in terms of the oil recovery factor, and in some cases-also from the standpoint of the cost of oil production" [1]. In such reserves, low-permeability and low-porous reservoir, abnormal oil characteristics (high viscosity and density).


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