Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the issues of land use greening, which is currently an urgent problem. It is noted that the urgent tasks of management and environmental management in the country is to restore order in the organization of use and protection of land. It is noted that land management in this regard is designed to mobilize the natural resource potential of the territory, and the integration of land management in the land management system, ensuring the effective functioning and protection of land property is a mandatory and necessary action.

greening, land use, land protection, food security, land management, sustainable land use
The article deals with the issues of land use greening, which is currently an urgent problem. It is noted that the urgent tasks of management and environmental management in the country is to restore order in the organization of use and protection of land. It is noted that land management in this regard is designed to mobilize the natural resource potential of the territory, and the integration of land management in the land management system, ensuring the effective functioning and protection of land property is a mandatory and necessary action.

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