Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the features of attributing a business entity to a small business entity. The dynamics of the development of small business in Russia, in the Volga federal district and in the Republic of Mordovia for 2013-2017 is investigated. Studied one of the factors affecting the development of small business in Russia - taxation. The current regimes of calculation and collection of taxes on small businesses in the Russian Federation and their changes in 2018, and the features of the organization of accounting, with a particular tax system are considered. The dynamics of the number of enterprises using the simplified taxation system is given.

Subjects of small business, taxation, financial statements, entrepreneurship, simplified taxation system
The article discusses the features of attributing a business entity to a small business entity. The dynamics of the development of small business in Russia, in the Volga federal district and in the Republic of Mordovia for 2013-2017 is investigated. Studied one of the factors affecting the development of small business in Russia - taxation. The current regimes of calculation and collection of taxes on small businesses in the Russian Federation and their changes in 2018, and the features of the organization of accounting, with a particular tax system are considered. The dynamics of the number of enterprises using the simplified taxation system is given.

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