Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The task of this work is to study the main factors that form the investment attractiveness of the economy of the Russian regions. The object of consideration is the data on the potential of the region, ways of its rational use, as well as data on domestic foreign direct investment (analog FDI). The subject of the study are the Russian regions, representing four different types: extractive (donor-type region), crisis (as a rule, agricultural), self-sufficient, border.

economy, investment attractiveness, region, infrastructure, production potential
The task of this work is to study the main factors that form the investment attractiveness of the economy of the Russian regions. The object of consideration is the data on the potential of the region, ways of its rational use, as well as data on domestic foreign direct investment (analog FDI). The subject of the study are the Russian regions, representing four different types: extractive (donor-type region), crisis (as a rule, agricultural), self-sufficient, border.

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