Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The conditions for the creation of a unified design and a comfortable environment have been explored for more than 70 years and reveal how architecture and design affect the psychological development and condition of adults, children and adolescents. The most vulnerable are children with disabilities. The article presents the key points on which it is worth paying attention and the differences between positive and negative factors affecting the mental, moral and physical state of a person. Direct influence of architecture on an ordinary child is often not possible to track. The environment acts on it indirectly and the result of such influence becomes noticeable in the process of personality formation, namely, growing up. The architectural environment leaves its imprint on its creativity, on the ability to make decisions, on the choice of vocation and the sense of satisfaction from choice.

architecture, teenagers, children, environment, shabby, space, comfort, design
The conditions for the creation of a unified design and a comfortable environment have been explored for more than 70 years and reveal how architecture and design affect the psychological development and condition of adults, children and adolescents. The most vulnerable are children with disabilities. The article presents the key points on which it is worth paying attention and the differences between positive and negative factors affecting the mental, moral and physical state of a person. Direct influence of architecture on an ordinary child is often not possible to track. The environment acts on it indirectly and the result of such influence becomes noticeable in the process of personality formation, namely, growing up. The architectural environment leaves its imprint on its creativity, on the ability to make decisions, on the choice of vocation and the sense of satisfaction from choice.

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