Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers modern factors of socio-economic development, the principles of rational nature management and resource saving, increase of ecological safety of production, rational use of all available resources through the implementation of cutting-edge innovations in all fields and spheres of life. Examines the issues of sustainable use of natural resources, discusses the sustainability of development through conservation of existing resources, rational nature management, ecological safety of production, improve the people's living conditions, preserving intellectual resources.

resource-saving, environmentally friendly technologies, sustainable development, rational use of resources, modernization of economy, rational use of natural resources
The article considers modern factors of socio-economic development, the principles of rational nature management and resource saving, increase of ecological safety of production, rational use of all available resources through the implementation of cutting-edge innovations in all fields and spheres of life. Examines the issues of sustainable use of natural resources, discusses the sustainability of development through conservation of existing resources, rational nature management, ecological safety of production, improve the people's living conditions, preserving intellectual resources.

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