Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of soils in Kursk region with essential micronutrients (boron, copper, zinc, manganese). The results of studies on the effectiveness of a water-soluble complex fertilizers with microelements on crops of winter wheat in the conditions of Chernozem soils in Kursk region. The studies were conducted in the experiments of the Kursk research Institute of agroindustrial production in 2012-2016 in grain crop rotation. We studied the effectiveness of the following microelement fertilizers: Akvadon-Micro, Nагро, Novofert. It is established that treatment of seeds and vegetating plants of winter wheat of these drugs has increased their yields and grain quality, economically viable and environmentally appropriate. Seed treatment of winter wheat microelement preparations enhanced biochemical processes in the grain during germination, increased seed germination and the percentage of overwintering plants. This time of renewal of spring vegetation of plants of winter wheat in the variants, where there was a seed treatment of microelement preparations were more advanced, had more powerful vegetative mass and root system. The use of complex fertilizers with microelements Novofert, Nагро, Akvadon-micro had a deterrent effect on the prevalence of leaf-stem diseases of winter wheat. Processing of seeds and double treatment of crops of winter wheat in the phase of tillering and stem elongation complex fertilizers with microelements Novofert, Nагро and Akvadon-Mikro has increased net profit 5361-5545 rub/ha, profitability level - the 23.6-25.4 per cent, contributed to reducing the cost of 1 centner of grain 38.4 to 41.0 rub.

The analysis of soils in Kursk region with essential micronutrients (boron, copper, zinc, manganese). The results of studies on the effectiveness of a water-soluble complex fertilizers with microelements on crops of winter wheat in the conditions of Chernozem soils in Kursk region. The studies were conducted in the experiments of the Kursk research Institute of agroindustrial production in 2012-2016 in grain crop rotation. We studied the effectiveness of the following microelement fertilizers: Akvadon-Micro, Nагро, Novofert. It is established that treatment of seeds and vegetating plants of winter wheat of these drugs has increased their yields and grain quality, economically viable and environmentally appropriate. Seed treatment of winter wheat microelement preparations enhanced biochemical processes in the grain during germination, increased seed germination and the percentage of overwintering plants. This time of renewal of spring vegetation of plants of winter wheat in the variants, where there was a seed treatment of microelement preparations were more advanced, had more powerful vegetative mass and root system. The use of complex fertilizers with microelements Novofert, Nагро, Akvadon-micro had a deterrent effect on the prevalence of leaf-stem diseases of winter wheat. Processing of seeds and double treatment of crops of winter wheat in the phase of tillering and stem elongation complex fertilizers with microelements Novofert, Nагро and Akvadon-Mikro has increased net profit 5361-5545 rub/ha, profitability level - the 23.6-25.4 per cent, contributed to reducing the cost of 1 centner of grain 38.4 to 41.0 rub.

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