Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article is given the concept of organizational and economic relations, economic relations are considered, the place of organizational and economic relations in the system of economic relations is shown, the structure of organizational and economic relations is studied. The system of organizational and economic relations is explained from the standpoint internal and external factors. External factors are considered in more detail. They include components: insurance, state support, crediting, state regulation, pricing, taxation.

economic relations, organizational and economic relations, state regulation, crediting, insurance, state support, taxation, pricing
In this article is given the concept of organizational and economic relations, economic relations are considered, the place of organizational and economic relations in the system of economic relations is shown, the structure of organizational and economic relations is studied. The system of organizational and economic relations is explained from the standpoint internal and external factors. External factors are considered in more detail. They include components: insurance, state support, crediting, state regulation, pricing, taxation.

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