Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
World experience shows that the effective use of scientific knowledge largely depends on the mechanisms for bringing and implementing scientific and technological achievements and innovative developments to specific commodity producers and other interested persons and organizations. And here an important role should be played by the Single Internet Space of Agrarian Knowledge as the transmitting link from science to production, which is the integration of various types of representations of agrarian knowledge, both agricultural educational institutions and agricultural research institutes. Therefore, when conducting a contest for the best site of the agricultural educational institution of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the methods for assessing sites included those types of scientific and educational resources that are most in demand in the economy, based on the needs of various users in agricultural knowledge: the Ministry of Education and Science, the Federal Service for Supervision Education and science, the Ministry of Agriculture, and also entrants, students, teachers, commodity producers, managers, scientists and the public. The methodology also included the indicators for assessing sites using the methods of sitemetric, since the site of an agricultural educational institution is designed to form a holistic image and build a trusted reputation of the institution, as well as indicators of the electronic trading platform and electronic labor exchange, in demand in the economy of the country in one form or another. The paper presents a mathematical description of the methodology and provides an analysis of the results of calculating the ratings of sites of agrarian educational institutions on the basis of it. With the help of Spearman's correlation coefficients of Kendall's concordance coefficient, a comparison was made between the ratings of agrarian educational institutions and various regional ratings-the socio-economic development rating, the subsidy rating of the regions, the efficiency rating of agricultural production, the regional governors efficiency rating and the regional development rating of regions.
information technologies, methods for assessing sites, ratings, agrarian educational institutions, a single Internet space for agrarian knowledge
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