Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In modern market economy of Russia it isn't accepted to address that part of history which there has passed all world economic theory for the centuries-old period of the formation believing that Russia had always the way of development and model of management of economy exactly as well as the principles of the organization of economy were other than those that were applied in the West. And it is valid, many economic models of the German school of regionalists can't serve as the tool for the objective analysis today. However the superficial attention from community of young scientists is unfairly paid to some of them. In many respects these classical models define the base of development not only a hi-tech and productive economic complex of the leading countries of the world, but also a basis of creation of a domestic economic complex. In article classical model Y. von Tuenena reveals from the new party. The author shows that in model Y. von Tuenena is much bigger the general with modern economy of Russia, than it is considered to be. The understanding of bases of formation of zones of agricultural specialization in Russia is an important element of system of knowledge of the principles of functioning and regularities of development of economy of subjects of the Russian Federation.

Yogan Heinrich von Tuenen, regional economy, theory of optimum placement of economy, land use, land rent, modeling, economic theory, thematic cards, schemes
In modern market economy of Russia it isn't accepted to address that part of history which there has passed all world economic theory for the centuries-old period of the formation believing that Russia had always the way of development and model of management of economy exactly as well as the principles of the organization of economy were other than those that were applied in the West. And it is valid, many economic models of the German school of regionalists can't serve as the tool for the objective analysis today. However the superficial attention from community of young scientists is unfairly paid to some of them. In many respects these classical models define the base of development not only a hi-tech and productive economic complex of the leading countries of the world, but also a basis of creation of a domestic economic complex. In article classical model Y. von Tuenena reveals from the new party. The author shows that in model Y. von Tuenena is much bigger the general with modern economy of Russia, than it is considered to be. The understanding of bases of formation of zones of agricultural specialization in Russia is an important element of system of knowledge of the principles of functioning and regularities of development of economy of subjects of the Russian Federation.

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