Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern Russia not only one of the biggest on the area the state of the world. Russia in many respects defines foreign economic relations, exerts impact on the general political climate in this part of the Globe. At the same time feature of her territorial device is frontier extent in this connection, the most part of her subjects are border areas. Development of economy of territorial subjects of the federation as private from a whole has to consider that place and a role which is occupied by Russia in geopolitical system of the modern world. In article the place and a role of Russia in global geopolitics on the basis of model X reveals. J. Makkindera for the account and updating of regional social and economic programs of development of border regions.

regional development, geopolitics, economic theory, national economy, region economy
Modern Russia not only one of the biggest on the area the state of the world. Russia in many respects defines foreign economic relations, exerts impact on the general political climate in this part of the Globe. At the same time feature of her territorial device is frontier extent in this connection, the most part of her subjects are border areas. Development of economy of territorial subjects of the federation as private from a whole has to consider that place and a role which is occupied by Russia in geopolitical system of the modern world. In article the place and a role of Russia in global geopolitics on the basis of model X reveals. J. Makkindera for the account and updating of regional social and economic programs of development of border regions.

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