Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the possibility of application of economic and mathematical methods for the determination of territorial parameters of agro-industrial complex functioning as the basic element influencing the efficiency of the regional strategy of social and economic development realization is considered. The model of food security ensuring was taken as a basis of work. As an efficiency function the maximum of production of the most profitable types of products is accepted under the restriction conditions of cultivated areas structure, the production of finished products of not less than a given volume, linking of plant growing with cattle-breeding on feed availability and the binding block of agricultural production and processing industry. The task is solved on a condition of providing the population with the food at the level of the actual consumption in 2013. As a result of the conducted research the optimum livestock of animals and the area of the main types of crops in the region at the given efficiency and productivity was defined.

development strategy, agro-industrial complex, combination of branches, optimization
In this article the possibility of application of economic and mathematical methods for the determination of territorial parameters of agro-industrial complex functioning as the basic element influencing the efficiency of the regional strategy of social and economic development realization is considered. The model of food security ensuring was taken as a basis of work. As an efficiency function the maximum of production of the most profitable types of products is accepted under the restriction conditions of cultivated areas structure, the production of finished products of not less than a given volume, linking of plant growing with cattle-breeding on feed availability and the binding block of agricultural production and processing industry. The task is solved on a condition of providing the population with the food at the level of the actual consumption in 2013. As a result of the conducted research the optimum livestock of animals and the area of the main types of crops in the region at the given efficiency and productivity was defined.

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