Object of research of this work is the historical way of symbols of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. The heraldry in her classical understanding was alien to the nomadic people, however the first symbols of the Kyrgyz people have appeared long before emergence of heraldry. It was the patrimonial tamga. The land coats of arms in the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan have appeared thanks to the Russian Empire, she has given the coats of arms to regions of compact accommodation of Kyrgyz - Areas of the Siberian Kyrgyz. Further development of land heraldry of Kyrgyzstan and its territorial definition as region, happened under patronage of the USSR. The Republic of Kyrgyzstan could choose the first independent symbols after events of 1991. The coat of arms of the republic reflects a natural complex of the republic and the epos of the people. Symbols of the coat of arms are picked up very well both with historical, and from the predictive point of view. The flag of the Republic isn't combined with the coat of arms neither in symbolics, nor in color scale. The flag is flown by obviously expressed revolutionary character. In work not only strengths of the coat of arms and flag are shown, but also the main mistakes which have dogmatic and predictive character are sorted. In research the cultural and historical method allowing to understand prerequisites of emergence of symbols of the coat of arms of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan through cultural work was used. The historical and comparative method, along with a historical and genetic method, has shown possible continuity of the Soviet symbolics in the coat of arms of the modern state. All above-stated methods have allowed to define the main defined points of research. The main conclusion of article is that the coat of arms of Kyrgyzstan demands serious processing. Mistakes are present both at the coat of arms, and at the law describing the Republic coat of arms. Now the coat of arms of Kyrgyzstan represents art composition, but not object of heraldry. Such situation lowers the status of the coat of arms to an emblem. Republic flag even more disputable symbol of the state. And if symbols of a flag have historical justification, then his color will bear the obvious stamp of lobbyism of communistic forces of the republic. In heraldry of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan still early to put an end. Both the national elite, and the people understand need of reforming of symbols of the state.
heraldry, coat of arms, the history Kyrgyzstan, mistakes, flag of Kyrgyzstan, territory of Kyrgyzstan, symbols of Kyrgyzstan, political of Kyrgyzstan, prognostic aspects of heraldry, symbols of Kyrgyzstan
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