Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The deterioration of the competitiveness of domestic and foreign agricultural goods producers entails the need to reduce logistics costs which is basically considered as the main optimization parameter. The scientific novelty of this study consists in discovering factors that lead to logistics costs saving in the course of the agricultural goods (crop marketing) by building the multi-factor model of the logistics costs based on the production function (Cobb-Douglas model).

logistics in agriculture, Cobb-Douglas model, logistics costs, capital to labour ratio, power to weight ratio, amount of work completed
The deterioration of the competitiveness of domestic and foreign agricultural goods producers entails the need to reduce logistics costs which is basically considered as the main optimization parameter. The scientific novelty of this study consists in discovering factors that lead to logistics costs saving in the course of the agricultural goods (crop marketing) by building the multi-factor model of the logistics costs based on the production function (Cobb-Douglas model).

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