Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the concept, nature and forms of implementation of land relations and land management. The foundations of the theory of land management, main stages of its development in our country. In General terms, described the system of land management in Russia, its objectives and tasks, methods of work. Special attention is paid to issues of state regulation of land relations, selected scientific and technical support for the establishment of a system of mixed land use and current land management.

land, land management, land relations, land reform, land protection, rational land tenure
The article describes the concept, nature and forms of implementation of land relations and land management. The foundations of the theory of land management, main stages of its development in our country. In General terms, described the system of land management in Russia, its objectives and tasks, methods of work. Special attention is paid to issues of state regulation of land relations, selected scientific and technical support for the establishment of a system of mixed land use and current land management.

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