Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Research aims: to prove, that for steady development of agricultural enterprises of region the strategy is needed which should be scientifically based for the effective management and land-using, development of social infrastructure of village; to formulate principles of rational organization of the use of land; to define directions of perfection of management the landed resources of the Orlovskaya region within the framework of regional strategy of effective management and land-using; to prove the necessity of development of social infrastructure of village. A research place is the Orlovskaya region. Research was conducted during 2006-2015. The correct choice of strategic directions of development of organization of the use of land provides a basis for the search of progressive particular administrative solutions which predetermine the increase of return from new agricultural and technical facilities and technologies. The necessity of adjusting of investments is well-proven for development of social infrastructure of the village with the use of tax levers of influence of the state, taking into account scientifically reasonable priority directions of bringing in of investments in development of objects of social infrastructure. Methodological principles of spatial organization of social infrastructure of village are educed.

ustoychivoe razvitie, sel'skoe hozyaystvo, strategiya, zemleustroystvo, upravlenie, hozyaystvovanie, zemlepol'zovanie, region
Research aims: to prove, that for steady development of agricultural enterprises of region the strategy is needed which should be scientifically based for the effective management and land-using, development of social infrastructure of village; to formulate principles of rational organization of the use of land; to define directions of perfection of management the landed resources of the Orlovskaya region within the framework of regional strategy of effective management and land-using; to prove the necessity of development of social infrastructure of village. A research place is the Orlovskaya region. Research was conducted during 2006-2015. The correct choice of strategic directions of development of organization of the use of land provides a basis for the search of progressive particular administrative solutions which predetermine the increase of return from new agricultural and technical facilities and technologies. The necessity of adjusting of investments is well-proven for development of social infrastructure of the village with the use of tax levers of influence of the state, taking into account scientifically reasonable priority directions of bringing in of investments in development of objects of social infrastructure. Methodological principles of spatial organization of social infrastructure of village are educed.

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