%0 Journal Article %T %A Shahgiraev, I.U. %K Industry 4 0, Blockchain Revolution, Blockchain, blockade, blockyin, blockchain applications, revolutionary Blockchain, stock market fundamentals, transaction costs, Litecoin, cryptavaputa, bitcoin, cryptanalysis, blockchain, Zfirium, chain block, transactions, finance, book of banking, Ethereum, authentication of documents, digital signatures in public administration and notarization, bitcoin, Morgan and ING, loyalty points, shares, accounts and various financial instruments, block, chain block, blockchain technology, Bitcoin, cryptaviaputa, cryptanalysis, investments, transactions, payments Mt Gox form, virtual money, cryptography encryption systems, financial instruments, market, risk, irrational solutions, fast profit, virtual currency, zfirium, bitcoin mining, digging crypto currency, miners, quotes, token, crypto currency excavators, digital revolution, Ethereum, ETH, cryptanalysis, blockchain, ethereum, block chains, transactions, finance, Ethereum, cryptapap, virtual currency %J MOSCOW ECONOMIC JOURNAL %D 2017 %N 2 %P 0 %I Electronic science